Вече српских земаља – An Evening of Serbian Lands

Драга браћо и сестре, у суботу 24. септембра организујемо “Вече српских земаља”.
Овом приликом вас позивамо да кроз поезију, песму, игру оживимо у нашим срцима наше завичајне крајеве.

Све додатне детаље о овом догађају можете да пронађете на постеру у прилогу.

С Божјим благословом,
Свештеник Синиша Милутиновић



An Evening of Serbian Lands

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We invite you all to join us this September 24 at our church hall for an evening of Serbian lands.

Buklija - CuturaThis year we are preparing a rich cultural program, the exhibition of traditional folklore uniforms and also we will have a contest in selecting the nicest “buklija” (traditional Serbian bottle where sljivovica is kept)

Bring your family buklija, complete the form at the entrance to the hall once you come so that you buklija can be numbered for the contest.

Buklije will be displayed and valued by the special jury for its folklore crafts and motives.


Program Schedule:

  • 19:00 – Dinner
  • 20:00 – Academic and cultural program
  • 20:45 – Selection of the nicest BUKLIJA
  • 21:15 – Live music with band Boems
  • 00:00 – End of program.

Reserve your tickets by calling JADRANKA at 604-789-3767


Vece srpskih zemaljaEvening of Serbian Lands